12 Weeks to Wellness
Kickstart your journey to wellness and weight loss with personalized nutrition.
At WELL with Felicia, we believe that nourishing your body and mind is the first step towards achieving your health goals.
Summer brings it’s own set of challenges when it comes to staying on track with your wellness goals. But, don’t sweat it!
Together, we'll navigate these obstacles without sacrificing your progress or your enjoyment.
Personalized Consultations Your journey begins with an in-depth initial visit lasting approximately 60 minutes. During this session, we'll discuss your goals, review your forms, and set expectations for our time together. You may even receive some preliminary suggestions or recommendations.
Focused Follow-Up Sessions Subsequent visits, occurring on your second, fourth, and sixth sessions, each last about 45 minutes. Here, we delve into the specifics of your plan, making significant revisions if necessary. With a detailed analysis of your diet diary, pre-visit forms, and thorough discussion, you'll leave with a clear plan of action and personalized recommendations encompassing diet, exercise, supplements, and more. We can also assist with referrals or testing through your doctor or naturopath.
Accountability Check-Ins Between follow-up sessions, we'll touch base with three 10-20 minute check-in visits to keep you accountable and on track. These sessions are perfect for addressing any challenges or making small adjustments to your plan as needed.
Ready to embrace a healthier, happier summer? Let's embark on this transformative journey together. Contact us today to get started!