If you are already working with me, the best way to contact me is through this page where you can ask me questions, share your feedback, request content and share your testimonials:

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There are a number of ways for you to get started on your wellness journey. One on one coaching may be exactly what you need or you may decide learning the fundamentals at your own pace first is the way you want to go. Perhaps you’d like to use the Track Assess and Adjust method in our Calorie Mastery Guidebook and supplement your journey with monthly or quarterly calls. Either way, we’ve got you covered!

Check out our at home resources here

Discovery Call

There are a number of ways for you to get started on your wellness journey. You may decide

Your first call is simply to see if we are a good fit. If we decide to work together, the next step would be scheduling your initial consultation.

Initial Consultation 

The initial consultation is 45-60 minutes, and we will dig into your life in order to fully understand every aspect of you as an individual.

To make sure you get the most out of your appointment, I will review your comprehensive intake form prior to our visit. In our consultation we will get into a more detailed discussion about what you eat, how you eat, your sleep habits, your stress levels, coping mechanisms, obstacles and review your 24 hour diet recall. We may also discuss other recommendations if indicated and come up with an action plan for your follow up appointment.

First follow up visit

Your first follow up is always 30-45-minutes and typically takes place within 2-4 weeks of your initial consultation.

Prior to your follow up, you will submit a pre-visit form along with a diet diary (if indicated). At your consultation, you will receive specific recommendations and suggestions and we will discuss a plan of action.

You will review topics such as how to make healthy choices, create healthy habits, educational information, diet, supplement, and lifestyle recommendations and meal ideas.

Once your foundation is set, you can dive into deeper detail.

Subsequent follow up appointments

In your follow up appointments, you will have an opportunity to ask questions, receive additional recommendations, revisit your goals and your progress, receive new tools and resources to feel supported, and much more.

Shorter 20 minute follow up visits are mainly for support and allow for us to discuss 1-2 specific changes or questions.

Optional reports to practitioners

If you so choose, I will communicate directly with your health care provider via fax or email. The reports to your provider/practitioners would include what was discussed, my impressions, plan of action, recommendations, and considerations.