Weight Loss: The Battle Against Genetics
What determines our weight—our genes or our environment?
This age-old question is at the heart of our inaugural episode of WELLwithFelicia featuring Dr. Ehud Ur, a respected researcher, endocrinologist and professor of medicine, we examine the relationship between genes and weight and environment and weight.
Dr. Ur shares his experience and observations as well as evidence of how genetics influence weight. From the Pima Indians to twin studies showing predictable weight gain patterns to historical famines favouring energy-efficient genes, he highlights how our evolutionary past has shaped our present-day bodies.
Environment: The great decider
Contrasting lifestyles within genetically identical populations, such as the Pima Indians, provide striking insights into how our surroundings can impact weight. In the past century, high-calorie foods and reduced physical activity have transformed environments, leading to rising obesity rates—even among those with similar genetic predispositions.
Key Takeaways for Managing Weight
While we cannot change our genes, we can alter the environment we create for ourselves. Dr. Ur offers actionable strategies, including leveraging new medications, tailoring diets to individual needs, and incorporating regular physical activity to counter genetic predispositions.
**As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.**