Heart-Healthy Love:

Thoughtful Alternatives to Cliché Valentine's Day Gifts

Valentine's Day often conjures images of heart-shaped boxes of chocolate, decadent desserts, and floral arrangements filled with overpriced red roses. While these gifts may be traditional, there are alternative options that not only express love romantically but also show love to our heart – after all, isn’t Valentine’s Day all about matters of the heart?

Not everyone chooses to partake in the celebration of Valentine's Day, but that doesn't mean you can't show your heart some well-deserved love! Whether you're flying solo this Valentine's Day or enjoying the company of a special someone, make a commitment to celebrate your heart every day with nourishing and heart-healthy meals.

These thoughtful gift ideas extend beyond the realm of Valentine's Day and can be seamlessly incorporated into various occasions, be it a birthday, anniversary, or an end of year teacher's gift. Whether you have someone special to share Valentine's Day with or not, these heart-healthy gifts resonate with our philosophy of nurturing both the body and the soul.

 So, let's explore some heart-healthy alternatives:

Candlelit Dinner at Home:

Instead of dining out, plan a cozy candlelit dinner at home. Cook a healthy and delicious meal together using heart healthy ingredients. Check out my recommendations for a day of heart healthy meals here.

Homemade Heart-Healthy Treats:

Instead of store-bought sweets laden with refined sugars, butter and egg yolks, consider baking your own treats using heart-healthy ingredients. Opt for recipes featuring ingredients like oats, nuts, and dark chocolate. Swap out butter for apple sauce and opt for egg replacer over eggs.  These components are rich in antioxidants, fiber, and healthy fats, supporting cardiovascular health and indulging the sweet tooth guilt-free.

Dark Chocolate-Covered Fruit:

Seriously, what could be better than fruit and chocolate?!

Dark chocolate is renowned for its heart-protective properties. Packed with flavonoids, it helps improve blood flow, reduce blood pressure, and boost overall heart health. Combine it with fresh fruits like strawberries or bananas for a delicious and heart-healthy twist on the classic chocolate-covered treat.

Try our chocolate covered strawberries!

Edible Arrangements with a Nutritional Twist:

Transform the conventional edible arrangement into a heart-healthy masterpiece. Include a variety of fresh fruits, such as berries, kiwi, and pineapple, known for their cardiovascular benefits. These fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support heart function and overall well-being.

Heart-Boosting Teas:

Delight your loved one with a selection of heart-boosting teas. Green tea, in particular, is celebrated for its high levels of catechins, which contribute to improved heart health. My personal favourites are more herbal and calming like cinnamon, cardamom or fennel. Any tea that helps you relax is potentially heart healthy so it’s really dealers choice. Choose organic options and create a cozy tea experience that not only warms the soul but also nurtures cardiovascular wellness.

DIY Spa Kit with Heart-Healthy Elements:

Craft a spa kit using heart-healthy ingredients like Epsom salt for muscle relaxation and essential oils known for their calming and stress-reducing properties. Stress management is crucial for heart health, and a DIY spa kit provides a thoughtful way to prioritize relaxation and well-being.

Yoga or Fitness Class Passes:

Physical activity is a cornerstone of cardiovascular health. Gift your loved one passes to a yoga or fitness class, promoting not only heart health but also overall well-being. Exercise helps reduce the risk of heart disease, enhances circulation, and contributes to a healthier, happier life.

Nutrient-Rich Gift Baskets:

Create a gift basket filled with heart-healthy treats like dried fruits, nuts, and dark chocolate. Nuts, in particular, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, supporting heart health. This thoughtful assortment not only satisfies cravings but also contributes to a nutrient-dense diet.

This Valentine's Day, go beyond the clichés and choose gifts that resonate with your holistic approach to health. By incorporating heart-healthy alternatives, you not only express love but also contribute to the well-being of your loved ones and the environment. Celebrate a heart-healthy and sustainable Valentine's Day that reflects your commitment to nourishing both the body and the planet.

Check out our Self-Love Meal Plan: A Heart-Healthy Valentine's Day Feast to Nourish Body and Soul

 The information in this post is educational and should be used for entertainment. In no way should be misinterpreted for medical advice. Always speak with your health care provider before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle. 


Love in the Head, Health in the Heart:


Self-Love Meal Plan: